InfoPak 2 - Personal Kanban 101: Achieving Focus & Clarity with Your First Personal Kanban — Personal Kanban " "

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InfoPak 2 - Personal Kanban 101: Achieving Focus & Clarity with Your First Personal Kanban

JimBenson_01 Nov. 05 11.44

Personal Kanban 101

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Jim Benson


Modus Cooperandi is pleased to announce the release of its second Personal Kanban InfoPak. InPersonal Kanban 101: Achieving Focus & Clarity with Your First Personal Kanban we discuss the essentials for getting your board started. Topics addressed include how to establish value stream, backlog and WIP, and why there are only two hard rules to implementing this productivity tool.As always, please feel free to download, distribute, comment and let us know what you think.

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