Kanban is Workipedia
A wiki is a website anyone can edit.
A kanban is a workflow anyone can edit.
A wiki entry is always able to be improved upon.
A kanban card is always able to be refined.
In wikis, there is a constant reification of ideas.
In kanban, there is a constant reification of work.
In wikis, incorrect information is identified by the group and excised.
In kanban, waste is identified by the group and excised.
A wiki stores and displays information to make group effort available to all.
A kanban stores and displays information to make group effort available to all.
A wiki stores and displays information to make personal contribution explicit.
A kanban stores and displays information to make personal contribution explicit.

A wiki draws on the natural human drive to complete a task.
A kanban draws on the natural human drive to complete a task.
A wiki is self healing through social editing.
A kanban is self healing through social management.
A wiki is a fundamentally simple concept with massive social repercussions.
A kanban is a fundamentally simple concept with massive social repercussions.
Kanban is Workipedia.