DONE COLUMN: How Does Your Work Make You Feel?
When we work, we spend our most precious resources: our time, our energy, and our emotion. Each task we complete takes a little bit of us and we’d like to think that time was not only productive, but impactful.But we are so busy, so distracted, so overwhelmed that we finish one task and move right on to the next. The treadmill. The rat race.All too often, we bring this home with us. Home tasks become just more in the endless stream of numbing work.With your Personal Kanban, you can work your way out of this by asking a few simple questions:
What work makes me happy?
What work does not?
By simply augmenting your DONE column with three or more simple sections that note what tasks you enjoyed, which were merely okay, and which were upsetting. You can add more gradations (we’ve seen ones with mushroom cloud columns).
Make explicit what you enjoy and what you do not. Then you can create strategies to even your work out. Enhance work that energizes you - that’s the work that gives you the energy (and the hope!) to get through the harder stuff.